I have always wondered despite hundreds of development
agencies working in Nepal we still haven’t eradicated poverty by half yet. So
where did the money go? Or simply, did we use the donations at the right place
to meet the right targets or did we simply spend with no outcome. Many large
organizations claim their reach (# of population) through their public reports
but none tally the figures of their reach which directly affects the national
outcome. Something to think about!!!
My dear daughter, you are only seven today but you will soon be seventeen. And when you become 17 I know the world will no longer be the same for you and I. We will be together in the same house but we will be distant apart in our heart and head. I was once 17 you know. And like everything else nothing is constant so before you grow up too fast I am writing a letter to you and the million other 17 year olds just like you. Love life - you are going to fall in love - hard. So hard that you are often dizzy with love. A love that is insignificant but withholds you from achieving all your dreams. Dreams that you dreamt when you were barely ten. Dreams that your parents dreamt for you when they first held you in their warm loving arms. Dreams that your mother dreamt for you when you were just a tadpole in her growing tummy. You are 17 and you have just graduated high school. At the verge of becoming an adult. You think you are big enough to make decisions and that you know the best f...
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