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Showing posts from October, 2016

What will you do?

I know I complain about everything that happens in Nepal. Small things matter right? I read a blog about a Nepali man’s frustration over how Nepalese wait patiently in international airports and behave all goody good and when in Nepal immediately try out some stunts to move ahead of the line. What is wrong with us I reason. Well nothing I reason back. Is it our culture that makes us so unruly and egoistic that we take extra care to follow all the rules and regulations in a foreign land but then slack and attack and abuse all of our own? A week back I went to a bakery in Jawalakhel to order a birthday cake for my daughter who turned seven L and while I was there for approximately 20 minutes the owner (male) would not even look at me and his wife kept on chewing on the diced fruit from the counter. Occasionally the male would munch on it too. They wouldn’t appreciate the fact that I was doing business with them and that the monetary gain was all theirs. No its not Herman they hav