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Showing posts from January, 2015

GOD where art thou

I am scared of flying. You would know if you sat next to me, but of course it will have to be planned otherwise the chances of you and me sitting next to each other in an airplane stands slim. So what do I do when I am flying, scared and almost always in a state of nearly   passing out? I pray to GOD. Yes, I do pray. I ask GOD to keep me safe and to help me land safely. Every time the plane shakes or jolts I remember GOD. I am selfish. I only think of GOD when I am scared, when things are beyond my control, when things don’t go as planned. I am human. I don’t know better. But I know if things go wrong or if I want something that possibly has a slim chance of happening, I think of GOD.  That is the norm. I am sure it is for many of us. I don’t know any better but I was taught since my childhood that there is this supernatural power above us which controls everything called GOD in charge of making things right. So I am on an auto pilot mode – I think of GOD for everything beyond