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Showing posts from November, 2013

Scrap book and a whole bunch of photo albums

I have been thinking lately about all things that mattered once. Let me start with a classic scrap book, 4x8inch with a Axl Rose on the cover. One of my seniors had taken a keen interest in developing my scrap book as the coolest one (not that anyone won a prize) in our school which means both my senior and I dedicated a whole bunch of time and indulged heavily in my fixed pocket money. It turned out excellent. On my senior's insistence I had the pages ordered in pink, green and yellow color and had it hard bound. Sorry if I am being extra indulgent in describing my scrap book but all I remember is the amount of time and dedication I spent in developing the most prized possession of my life. I was in grade 8, the scrap book with the Axl Rose and autographs of 3 boys meant the world to me (it was a big deal in an all-girls school). One of my sisters pointed out - this won't mean a thing to you when you become older, at that time I was in high-school. You know how things