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Showing posts from March, 2013

Hospitals lack compassion

The word hospital like many other English words is derived from latin meaning "places of hospitality" or hospitium which signifies - the relation between guest and shelterer, hospitality, friendliness, hospitable reception (source: Wikipedia).   Well whatever meaning the word carries it sure does not hold true when it comes to the hospitality of Nepal’s hospital. Like many of you, I have had my share of frustrations when visiting clinics and hospitals but what baffles me is the notoriety of service providers. Three years back when I was admitted to Patan Hospital in the new wing for a planned C-section, the ordeal was nightmarish right from the start. I was scheduled for the operation the next day but that did not mean rest, I had to visit numerous counters either to give blood or to pay or to check my blood pressure. Not even a single nurse assisted us even though visibly I was huge and was not conformable making the rounds.  With the entire ordeal behind, my